Carthage College trustee Alan Mills ’79 created the Black Student Union scholarships to honor his friends, Raymond Threlkeld ’79 and Cynthia Walker ’78, for their deep friendship and the leadership they exhibited as students while at Carthage and in their careers since graduation. Mr. Threlkeld and Judge Walker were so moved that they pledged equal support for the scholarships.

Students who are active members of the Black Student Union, an organization open to all students, are invited to apply for this scholarship by submitting the form below by Friday, February 7, 2025.


This fund will provide two $1000 scholarships each year as a reward for active participation in the Black Student Union during one academic year (September through May 15).


  • Qualified students must be active with the BSU and meet a minimum “active” level of 15 points as determined by the BSU Executive Board .
  • Must be committed to bettering African American student life, as evidenced in membership in the BSU.
  • Must demonstrate academic responsibility by being in good academic standing with the College.
  • Preference will be given to students engaged in at least one additional student life engagement, such as athletics, student government, campus organizations, civic/community, etc. Additional consideration will be given to those involved in leadership positions within the additional organization(s).
  • Preference given to different gender recipients, i.e., the two recipients should represent diversity of gender (combination of one male and one female or one male or female and one other, etc.)
  • Students may only receive the scholarship once.

Application Requirements/Process

Students must apply for the BSU scholarship using the form below by Friday, February 7, with awards being determined by February 14 and announced at the Black Gala, on Friday, February 28.

  • Students must meet a baseline participation rating of 15 to be considered for the award.
  • Applications will be reviewed, and winners are chosen by the faculty advisor for the Black Student Union and the Director for Equity and Inclusion, who will inform the Financial Aid office of final decisions.
  • The Office of Financial Aid will manage the distribution of the awards.

Online Application Form

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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(Note: Documentation of costs, such as an invoice, application form, or receipts, will be required upon approval.)
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